Law School Scholarship Contest

Essay Overview:

Topic: Is there a specific area of law that you want to go into? Why? What personal experiences have made you want to go into this field?

In your essay submission, we want to hear about:
-Why you have decided to pursue a career in law
-What areas of law you want to practice and why you want to pursue those areas

Please Provide The Following:
-In 250 – 300 words tell us about why you want to become a lawyer and how you plan to give back to your community.
We are looking for the most compelling written essay submission.

-One (1) winner will be selected and awarded $2,000 to put toward their law school tuition.

Please include the following:
-First / Last Name
-Name of the Law School You Are/Plan on Attending
-Email Address
-Title for Your Personal Statement
-Compelling essay with at least 300 words but no more than 450 words about the topic described above.

Eligibility Requirements:
-In order to apply for this scholarship, you must be enrolled at an accredited law school.
If you have applied to a law school and have not been accepted yet, you may apply for the scholarship. However, the scholarship will be awarded to a student already enrolled at an accredited law school.

Frequently Asked Questions:
What is the deadline for submission?
-July 30th, 2023

When will the winner be selected and notified?
-A winner will be selected and contacted by the email address provided on August 15th, 2023

How many winners will be selected for this scholarship contest?
-One (1) winner will be selected and awarded $2,000 to put toward their law school tuition.
