College of Agriculture Sciences - Class of 1959
In celebration of the 30th anniversary of the class of ’59’s graduation and in commemoration of their collegiate heritage, the College of Agriculture Sciences Class of 1959 established the College of Agriculture Class of ’59 Inaugural Scholarship.
The class of ’59 was the first class to attend four years as “Agriculture” students, the School having been established in July 1955, just a few months before most of the students entered SIUC as freshmen in September. It the desire of the members of the class of ’59 to endow this scholarship, with only the interest being used to provide annual scholarship(s). The former students dedicate this scholarship to honor Wendell E. Keepper for his leadership in establishing and expanding the School of Agriculture during his tenure from 1950 to 1974. It is the desire of the class of ’59 that this scholarship be a means of passing on their Agriculture heritage to others by it being used to recruit/retain outstanding students in the College of Agriculture.