Dr. Elizabeth L. Toth
Elizabeth L. Toth taught in the Department of Communication at SIU Carbondale between 1981 and 1984. Dr. Toth came to Carbondale after practicing public relations for the State of North Carolina and the City of Charlotte, NC. In her second year at SIU, her PRSSA students completely surprised her at the PRSSA
NYC national conference by successfully nominating her to be the 1983 PRSSA Advisor of the Year. She received a $300 stipend along with this recognition. Dr. Toth wished to give back to her students somehow, so with the $300 as a start, she created an undergraduate public relations student award. Dr. Toth hoped that in some small way, the Toth Award would express her appreciation to SIU Carbondale for the opportunity to begin her career as a university professor. While Dr. Toth has taught at four universities, it was at SIU where she felt the most support from her colleagues and students alike. She continues to this day to be most appreciative of the time she spent in Carbondale.