Dr. John S. and Mrs. Nancy W. Jackson
John and Nancy Jackson served SIUC and the region for many years both before and after their retirement. Nancy Jackson was an elementary school teacher in the Carbondale Public Schools and she specialized in teaching reading. She also started the annual Book in Every Home campaign at the University and volunteered for a number of organizations including the Good Samaritan food bank, the World Hunger Sale, the Red Cross, and the View Church. John served as a professor in Political Science and as an administrator. He served as Interim Chancellor for two years preceding his retirement. Before being appointed to that position he held a variety of offices including President of the Faculty Senate, Associate Dean and Acting Dean of the Graduate School, Associate Dean and Dean of the College of Liberal Arts, and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Provost. John also worked for many years at the Paul Simon Public Policy Institute. John and Nancy were named Citizens of the Year in 2002 by the Carbondale Chamber of Commerce.