George and Mary Slankard

George and Mary Slankard

George was born on December 15, 1924, in Sesser, IL to George T. and Helen (O’Neil) Slankard. He graduated from the University of Illinois and Southern Illinois University and became a teacher in the Sesser Schools, where he met another teacher, Mary Hartman, who would become his wife on October 11, 1950. After concluding that teaching was Mary’s forte and not his, George decided to follow in his father’s footsteps and work in the family owned business of Slankard Publishing.

George’s passion for printing grew beyond that of his family’s and for the next 45 years he and Mary built the business and published three magazines; the first being the American Cooner, which was widely known and respected in the field of hunting, dog training and field trials. Cars & Parts was the next magazine to be published and was one of the first Automobile magazines that not only included interesting and informative articles but also included information on car auctions, swap meets as well as being a classified marketplace for cars, parts, accessories and services. Hunter’s Horn was then published, which specialized in the sport and competition of Fox Hunting.

After a very progressive and fruitful career in the publishing business, George retired and decided to devote his attention and energy to the field of Horticulture. With Mary by his side, George became active in learning and growing many different species of plants. He was a member of the Azalea, Magnolia and Holly societies. His love for and beauty of plants was evident to all who visited their extensive gardens. George was a lifelong leaner and consummate reader of anything and everything that was of interest to him. His vast knowledge on a variety of subjects always amazed and delighted his family and friends, who were blessed to be able to sit down and speak with him. Those discussions will forever be in their hearts.

Mary Hartman Slankard, who was the very definition of a lady full of love and grace, passed away on December 29, 2020, at 91 years old. Born to David and Carrie (Stalker) Hartman on October 7, 1929, in Metropolis, IL. The family moved to Carbondale, IL where Mary attended grade school through graduation from Carbondale High School. She went on to attend Southern Illinois University and graduated early, with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Education. She taught in the Sesser school system, where she met her soon to be husband, George Slankard, while they were teaching in the elementary school.

Mary later taught English at Sesser High School, where she was revered as “one of the best English teachers” many students ever had. Numerous students went on to earn their college degree in education and teach, because of the influence that Mary Slankard had in their life. George and Mary Slankard expanded Slankard Publishing in the 1960’s. While still teaching, Mary was the proofreader of all content for the three periodicals (magazines) that were published; “Cooner”, “Cars and Parts”, as well as “Hunter’s Horn”.

Upon retirement from education, Mary worked alongside George, fulltime, until their retirement from the publishing business. Mary and George enjoyed a fulfilling life together and were married for nearly 70 years, before his passing in March 2020. Mary was an avid learner and enjoyed reading, cooking, English and French design, and horticulture. Mary had numerous nieces, nephews and friends who regarded her as a beloved aunt and mother. She will forever be in their hearts.
